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Kaboom!, 2017, site-specific
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A "Kaboom" epxloro com el so pot transformar l'experiència de l'espai. Vaig intervenir una casa buida a Governors Island a través de sons que havia enregistrat sobre tasques domèstiques: el so fregar el terra de l'habitació, l'aigua buillint a la cuina... aquests sons, subtils i que sovint passen desaparcebuts, van prendre una nova dimensió en activar-se de nou en un espai buit i convidava als visitants a respondre-hi a través de dibuixos a les parets. Kaboom va realitzar-se en el context d'una invitació de Writing On It All.

In Kaboom I explore how sound can transform one's experience of space. I intervened the space of an empty house in Governors Island through pre-recorded sounds of daily chores: the sound of mopping a bedroom's floor, of boiling water at a kitchen... subtle and often times inadvertent sounds that took another dimension upon playing them on the empty house. Passersby were invited to respond to these soundscapes with drawings on the walls within the context of Writing On It All (WOIA).
Comissioned by WOIA, a participatory writing project.