l a i a s o l e

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Grada Zero, 2008/9, site-specific
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A Grada Zero treballo per fer porosos els límits entre tres institucions veïnes: Hospital Sant Pau, Complex Esportiu Municipal del Guinardó, i Centre Cívic del Guinardó a Barcelona, a través d'una sèrie d'artefactes i accions simbòliques: (1) un llibret amb narratives local sobre lloc, hàbits, pertinença, (2) fotografies d'espais i objectes comuns a les tres institucions, i (3) tres banderes representant els colors i perímetres de cada institució.

In Grada Zero (2008/9) Laia Solé worked at rendering porous the limits between three neighboring and historic institutions: Hospital de Sant Pau, Complex Esportiu Municipal Guinardó, and Centre Cívic del Guinardó in Barcelona, through a series of symbolic devices and actions: (1) a booklet compiling local narratives about the sense of place, habits, and sense of belonging to a community; (2) photographs of spaces and narratives on health and sport that are common in the three institutions; and (3) three flags representing the colors and the perimeters of the buildings of each institution.

Comissioned and developed within the program Transartlaboratori; Art in health care contexts by Sinapsis, Barcelona, 2008/2009, which consisted of two art residencies at Hospital Sant Pau for the artists Tanit Plana and Laia Solé, at a time Hospital de Sant Pau i la Santa Creu (Barcelona) was moving to a new building, location and neighborhood. Grada Zer0 was exhibited within Catalitzadors, ACVic [Contemporary Art Center of Vic] 2009.