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Can Gili Speaks, 2002, site-specific
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Can Gili parla consisteix en una sèrie d'accions que pretenien engegar una conversa entre veïns sobre el pertànyer a una ciutat des de dos llocs diferents: el centre de Granollers, i Can Gili, a les afores. Tres lones en espais públics de la ciutat amb una fotografia sobre Can Gili i conceptes com "amnèsia", jugaven a crear expectatives al voltant de l'acció central: una trobada lúdico-gastronòmica organitzada pels veïns i veïnes de Can Gili a la plaça dels porcs, una plaça al centre de Granollers, on es trobaven per a parlar i desmuntar percepcions sobre l'espai, la pertinença i la comunitat.

Can Gili parla consists of a series of actions that aimed at opening conversations between neighbors about the perception of belonging at two disparate locations: the center of the town of Granollers, and Can Gili, which is an neighborhood at the outskirts of the town. Three public banners with a photograph of Can Gili neighborhood with concepts such as "amnesia" set up expectations around the central event of the work: an informal and gastronomic gathering held by the neighbors of Can Gili at a central square of Granollers where neighbors could meet other citizens and break through perceptions about space, belonging and and community.

Comissioned by Mònica Buxó and Miquel Aregay for S.P Art Públic, a series of art events in public spaces with the artists Mia Guiteras and Jordi Boldú.